joi, 28 aprilie 2011

quotes about kiss

quotes about kiss

quotes about kiss quotes about kiss quotes about kiss

quotes about kiss quotes about kiss quotes about kiss

Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat. ~Alex Levine

Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning. ~Robert Brault,

Where is the good in goodbye? ~Meredith Willson, The Music Man

The dying process begins the minute we are born, but it accelerates during dinner parties. ~Carol Matthau

How do people go to sleep? I'm afraid I've lost the knack. I might try busting myself smartly over the temple with the night-light. I might repeat to myself, slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound; if I can remember any of the damn things. ~Dorothy Parker

I am fully conscious of the fact, that aphorisms are like wandering Gypsies. They must always be published without guarantee of the authenticity. ~Erkki Melartin

Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate! ~Attributed to Sandra J. Dykes

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. ~Will Rogers

Version 1 of any software is full of bugs. Version 2 fixes all the bugs and is great. Version 3 adds all the things users ask for, but hides all the great stuff in Version 2. ~Fred Blechman

Why is it that men can be bastards and women must wear pearls and smile? ~Lynn Hecht Schafren

If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that's read by persons who move their lips when they're reading to themselves. ~Don Marquis

Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. ~J. Paul Getty

Somehow among all our use of antibiotic medicine and antibacterial soap our souls are becoming sanitized as well - don't let it happen to you! ~Brock Fiant

The prime purpose of being four is to enjoy being four - of secondary importance is to prepare for being five. ~Jim Trelease, The Read-Aloud Handbook, 1985

For some moments in life there are no words. ~David Seltzer, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

As to the Seven Deadly Sins, I deplore Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy and Greed. Gluttony and Sloth I pretty much plan my day around. ~Robert Brault,

I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~Ruth Stout

A grass-blade's no easier to make than an oak. ~James Russell Lowell, A Fable for Critics, 1848

I calculated the total time that humans have waited for web pages to load. It cancels out all the productivity gains of the information age. Sometimes I think the web is a big plot to keep people like me away from normal society. ~Scott Adams

Swimming - what real men do while boys play football. ~Author Unknown

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