vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

funny love quotes sayings

funny love quotes sayings

funny love quotes sayings funny love quotes sayings funny love quotes sayings

funny love quotes sayings funny love quotes sayings funny love quotes sayings

"It's a question of discipline," the little prince told me later on. "When you've finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend your planet." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince, 1943, translated from French by Richard Howard

Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas. ~Johnny Carson

God be thanked for books! they are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. ~W.E. Channing

We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. ~Albert Einstein

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. ~Josh Billings

You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. ~Douglas MacArthur

Mine is the night, with all her stars. ~Edward Young

The common thread that binds nearly all animal species seems to be that males are willing to abandon all sense and decorum, even to risk their lives, in the frantic quest for sex. ~Randy Thornhill and Craig T. Palmer, A Natural History of Rape

Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at. ~Author Unknown

It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child

Show me a woman who doesn't feel guilty and I'll show you a man. ~Erica Jong

Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting. ~Dr. Seuss

If the mind, that rules the body, ever so far forgets itself as to trample on its slave, the slave is never generous enough to forgive the injury, but will rise and smite the oppressor. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles. ~Alex Karras

People who do not understand themselves have a craving for understanding. ~Wilhelm Stekel

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. ~Stephen Roberts

One almost expects one of the players to peer into the monitor and politely request viewers to refrain from munching so loudly on cheese and crackers while the golfers are trying to reach the greens. ~Pete Alfano

Never get married in the morning, because you never know who you'll meet that night. ~Paul Hornung

One should eat to live, not live to eat. ~Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV

Wedlock is a padlock. ~John Ray, English Proverbs

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