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But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ~Matthew 4:4
A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an "intellectual" - find out how he feels about astrology. ~Robert A. Heinlein
Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be. ~Duane Michals
If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment. ~Henry David Thoreau
He struggles to exude authority. He furrows his brow, trying to look more sagacious, but he ends up looking as if he has indigestion. Appearing confused at his own speech, he seems like a first-grade actor in a production of James and the Giant Peach. Are his blinks Morse code for "Oh, man, don't let that teleprompter break?" ~Maureen Dowd, about George W. Bush
A day is Eternity's seed, and we are its Gardeners. ~Erika Harris, lifeblazing.com
Five days shalt thou labour, as the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God's. The sixth day is for football. ~Anthony Burgess
Half of my heart is deployed. ~Author Unknown
We hear the beating of wings over Bethlehem and a light that is not of the sun or of the stars shines in the midnight sky. Let the beauty of the story take away all narrowness, all thought of formal creeds. Let it be remembered as a story that has happened again and again, to men of many different races, that has been expressed through many religions, that has been called by many different names. Time and space and language lay no limitations upon human brotherhood. ~New York Times, 25 December 1937, quoted in Quotations for Special Occasions by Maud van Buren, 1938, published by The H.W. Wilson Company, New York
Mother - that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries. ~T. DeWitt Talmage
Things are entirely what they appear to be and behind them... there is nothing. ~Jean Paul Sartre, Nausea
Afflictive emotions - our jealousy, anger, hatred, fear - can be put to an end. When you realize that these emotions are only temporary, that they always pass on like clouds in the sky, you also realize they can ultimately be abandoned. ~Tenzin Gyatso Affluence creates poverty. ~Marshall McLuhan
The best contraceptive is a glass of cold water: not before or after, but instead. ~Author Unknown
Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook
The precursor of the mirror is the mother's face. ~D.W. Winnicott, Playing and Reality, 1971
Procrastination is the thief of time. ~Edward Young Professional wrestling's most mysterious hold is on its audience. ~Luke Neely, 1953
Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out. ~Frank A. Clark
I am much better employed from every point of view, when I live solely for my own satisfaction, than when I begin to worry about the world. The world frightens me, and a frightened man is no good for anything. ~George Gissing
Winter dies into the spring, to be born again in the autumn. ~Marche Blumenberg
I take it that what all men are really after is some form of, perhaps only some formula of, peace. ~James Conrad
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