birthday quotes with images

Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee. ~Stephanie Piro
When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. ~Barbara Bloom
Most men's anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady that neither of them care for. ~George Savile, Marquess de Halifax
Before you can begin to think about politics at all, you have to abandon the notion that there is a war between good men and bad men. ~Walter Lippmann
You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals. ~George Mikes
Diogenes struck the father when the son swore. ~Robert Burton, "Anatomy of Melancholy," Democritus to the Reader, 1621
hatred bounces ~e.e. cummings
A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. ~Ansel Adams
If the desire to kill and the opportunity to kill came always together, who would escape hanging? ~Mark Twain
You should always believe all you read in the newspapers, as this makes them more interesting. ~Rose Maccaulay
Our minds are lazier than our bodies. ~Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims, 1678
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. ~Abbott Joseph Liebling, "Do You Belong in Journalism?" New Yorker, 4 May 1960
Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. ~Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Satires
More than anything else the sensation is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost, if you can conceive of such a combination. ~Wilbur Wright
Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough.... I now realize that the small hills you see on ski slopes are formed around the bodies of forty-seven-year-olds who tried to learn snowboarding. ~Dave Barry
If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul. ~Isaac Asimov, I. Asimov: A Memoir
In all men is evil sleeping; the good man is he who will not awaken it, in himself or in other men. ~Mary Renault
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers
Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head. ~Carl Sandburg, "Arithmetic"
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