famous tattoo quotes and sayings

I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one. ~Mark Twain
Time is a physician that heals every grief. ~Diphilus
Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one. ~Astrid Alauda
I used to believe that anything was better than nothing. Now I know that sometimes nothing is better. ~Glenda Jackson I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. ~Author Unknown
All sorrows are less with bread. ~Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
The most pleasant and useful persons are those who leave some of the problems of the universe for God to worry about. ~Don Marquis
I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. ~Abraham Lincoln
The trouble about man is twofold. He cannot learn truths which are too complicated; he forgets truths which are too simple. ~Rebecca West
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. ~George Bernard Shaw
The essence of pleasure is spontaneity. ~Germaine Greer
Yes, Agassiz does recommend authors to eat fish, because the phosphorus in it makes brain. So far you are correct. But I cannot help you to a decision about the amount you need to eat - at least, not with certainty. If the specimen composition you send is about your fair usual average, I should judge that a couple of whales would be all you would want for the present. Not the largest kind, but simply good middling-sized whales. ~Mark Twain
Man is the only critter who feels the need to label things as flowers or weeds. ~Author Unknown
Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics. ~Leighann Lord
Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. ~William Shakespeare, Henry VI
A meow massages the heart. ~Stuart McMillan
Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. ~W.C. Fields
Even eminent chartered accountants are known, in their capacity as fishermen, blissfully to ignore differences between seven and ten inches, half a pound and two pounds, three fish and a dozen fish. ~William Sherwood Fox, Silken Lines and Silver Hooks, 1954
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations. ~Orson Welles
This nation was built by men who took risks - pioneers who were not afraid of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress, dreamers who were not afraid of action. ~Brooks Atkinson
I liked the choreography, but I didn't care for the costumes. ~Tommy Tune, on why he never considered playing basketball
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