Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. ~Bob Lemon
If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If Michelangelo had been straight, the Sistine Chapel would have been wallpapered. ~Robin Tyler
Retirement kills more people than hard work ever did. ~Malcolm Forbes
And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. ~I Timothy 5:13
A half-baked idea is okay as long as it's in the oven. ~Author Unknown
The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's": fighting, fleeing, feeding, and mating. ~Marvin Dunnette
The power of quotation is as dreadful a weapon as any which the human intellect can forge. ~John Jay Chapman
Care I for the limb, the thews, the stature, bulk, and big assemblance of a man! Give me the spirit. ~William Shakespeare
I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a decision she'll regret in the future. ~Richard Jeni
History is petrified imagination. ~Arthur Baer
A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. ~Andre Maurois

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. ~Author Unknown
What I like about camping is you can get really dirty. Either you're all by yourself, so no one else sees you, or everyone you're with is just as dirty as you are, so nobody cares. ~Anonymous former Boy Scout, quoted in Highs! Over 150 Ways to Feel Really, Really Good Without Alcohol or Other Drugs by Alex J. Packer
Baseball and football are very different games. In a way, both of them are easy. Football is easy if you're crazy as hell. Baseball is easy if you've got patience. They'd both be easier for me if I were a little more crazy - and a little more patient. ~Bo Jackson
We could use up two Eternities in learning all that is to be learned about our own world and the thousands of nations that have arisen and flourished and vanished from it. Mathematics alone would occupy me eight million years. ~Mark Twain
The course of every intellectual, if he pursues his journey long and unflinchingly enough, ends in the obvious, from which the non-intellectuals have never stirred. ~Aldous Huxley The course of life is unpredictable... no one can write his autobiography in advance. ~Abraham Joshua Heschel
Opportunity is as scarce as oxygen; men fairly breathe it and do not know it. ~Doc Sane
The first day of spring was once the time for taking the young virgins into the fields, there in dalliance to set an example in fertility for nature to follow. Now we just set the clocks an hour ahead and change the oil in the crankcase. ~E.B. White, "Hot Weather," One Man's Meat, 1944
The Cross is a gibbet - rather an odd thing to make use of as a talisman against bad luck, if that is how we regard it. Or is it, instead, a cynical reminder that Virtue usually gets pilloried whenever it makes one of its occasional appearances in this world? ~Denis Johnston, The Brazen Horn
Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble. ~John Barrymore
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! ~Charles Schulz
When you finally go back to your old hometown, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood. ~Sam Ewing
If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me? ~Allen Collins and Ronnie Van Zant, "Free Bird," One More From the Road, 1973, performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd
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