The cat is the animal to whom the Creator gave the biggest eye, the softest fur, the most supremely delicate nostrils, a mobile ear, an unrivaled paw and a curved claw borrowed from the rose-tree. ~Colette
It's a good idea to begin at the bottom in everything except in learning to swim. ~Author Unknown

The color of the mountains is Buddha's body; the sound of running water is his great speech. ~Dogen
I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man. ~George Meredith
Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it. ~Sudie Back
If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive. ~American Quaker Saying
In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death - even vegetarians. ~Star Trek, "Wolf in the Fold," Mr. Spock
Flowers often grow more beautifully on dung-hills than in gardens that look beautifully kept. ~Saint Francis de Sales
I regularly read Internet user groups filled with messages from people trying to solve software incompatibility problems that, in terms of complexity, make the U.S. Tax Code look like Dr. Seuss. ~Dave Barry
There's no taking trout with dry breeches. ~Miguel de Cervantes
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do. ~Bruce Crampton

There is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future. ~Shri Haidakhan Babaji

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke
The majority of the Negroes who took part in the year-long boycott of Montgomery's buses were poor and untutored; but they understood the essence of the Montgomery movement; one elderly woman summed it up for the rest. When asked after several weeks of walking whether she was tired, she answered: "My feet is tired, but my soul is at rest." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey. ~Thomas A. Edison
A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp. ~Raymond Duncan
A soiled baby with a neglected nose cannot be conscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty. ~Mark Twain
There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast. ~Author Unknown
Time spent with cats is never wasted. ~May Sarton
History... is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake. ~James Joyce, Ulysses
The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water. ~Sigmund Freud
We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. ~Gloria Steinem
Everybody's 12 years old in an apple orchard. ~Rachael Ray, Rachael Ray Show, while making autumn stew, original airdate 11 October 2007
Nostalgia for what we have lost is more bearable than nostalgia for what we have never had.... ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960 Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days. ~Doug Larson
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