love quotes for her in spanish

If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead. ~Gelett Burgess
As though pure white snow flashed and sparkled with the color of bright ruddy wine, and was overcome by this radiance. ~Author unknown, about the opal
In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it "Christmas" and went to church; the Jews called it "Hanukkah" and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Hanukkah!" or (to the atheists) "Look out for the wall!" ~Dave Barry
You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion. ~Garrison Keillor
God can never be a definition. He is more than even the entirety of the dictionary. ~Terri Guillemets
Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown
The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. ~Cali Rae Turner
Novelties please less than they impress. ~Byron, Don Juan, 1824
Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. ~Bill Bradley
Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live. ~Margaret Fuller
Soldiers who are not afraid of guns, bombs, capture, torture or death say they are afraid of homosexuals. Clearly we should not be used as soldiers; we should be used as weapons. ~Letter to the editor, The Advocate
Bobby Baccalieri: "To the victor belongs the spoils."
Some people take more care to hide their wisdom than their folly. ~Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects, 1711
In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
The real is very real to him, the unreal even more so. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. ~Gloria Naylor
Again the early-morning sun was generous with its warmth. All the sounds dear to a horseman were around me - the snort of the horses as they cleared their throats, the gentle swish of their tails, the tinkle of irons as we flung the saddles over their backs - little sounds of no importance, but they stay in the unconscious library of memory. ~Wynford Vaughan-Thomas
Modern man is the missing link between apes and human beings. ~Author Unknown
I hate weekends because there is no stock market. ~Rene Rivkin
When a woman comes to her glass, she does not employ her time in making herself look more advantageously what she really is, but endeavours to be as much another creature as she possibly can. Whether this happens because they stay so long and attend their work so diligently that they forget the faces and persons which they first sat down with, or whatever it is, they seldom rise from the toilet the same woman they appeared when they began to dress. ~Joseph Addison
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