duminică, 1 mai 2011

tamil love poems in tamil font

tamil love poems in tamil font

tamil love poems in tamil font tamil love poems in tamil font tamil love poems in tamil font

tamil love poems in tamil font tamil love poems in tamil font tamil love poems in tamil font

Fear is the father of courage and the mother of safety. ~Henry H. Tweedy

In a certain sense all men are historians. ~Thomas Carlyle, Essays: On History

Long A: The Quote Garden began in 1987 when I was 13 years old and read The Scarlet Letter. As I was reading, I noticed some sentences that I really liked and wrote them on a notepad as I went along. And that is where my passion for quotations began. From then on I obsessively wrote down any short excerpts I liked and kept my collection on paper and in WordStar for CP/M as well as turning my favorites into amateur mini-posters and taping them to my bedroom walls. In early 1998 I began sharing my collection with the world by starting a site on GeoCities and learning HTML. Both the site and my obsession for quotes grew quickly with this new platform for sharing. I moved to quotegarden.com in 2001 and continue to this very day maintaining the site by typing every quote and piece of code from scratch into Notepad, and carrying paper and pen with me everywhere I go in case I see anything quotable! Believe it or not, I have yet to finish placing my entire collection online, there are still thousands of quote-scribbled scraps of paper here and there, torn-edged articles with highlighting, etc which I will eventually get around to posting.

Women are always beautiful. ~Ville Valo

When there's a single thief, it's robbery. When there are a thousand thieves, it's taxation. ~Vanya Cohen

The conflict of forces and the struggle of opposing wills are of the essence of our universe and alone hold it together. ~Havelock Ellis

If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell. ~Lance Armstrong

I love America more than any other country in this world; and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. ~James Baldwin

Responsibility: A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star. ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911

When I die, bury me on the golf course so my husband will visit. ~Author Unknown

Words have meaning and names have power. ~Author Unknown

Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another. ~Henry Louis Mencken

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps. ~Tiger Woods

The evening papers print what they do and get away with it because by afternoon the human mind is ruined anyhow. ~Christopher Morley, Kitty Foyle

I drink only to make my friends seem interesting. ~Don Marquis

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 3

Adam and Eve ate the first vitamins, including the package. ~E.R. Squibb

Ophelia: 'Tis brief, my lord.

Television should be the last mass communication medium to be naively designed and put into the world without a surgeon-general's warning. ~Alan Kay

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